Mollie Capital Streamlines SME Funding in the UK: A Fast and Flexible Alternative

London, UK, February 20, 2024
Mollie, a leading European payments provider, has announced the launch of Mollie Capital in the UK, offering a fast and flexible alternative for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to access funding. This comes at a time when traditional lenders often require extensive paperwork and lengthy application processes, hindering SME growth potential. 

Mollie Capital, already established in Europe with over €50 million in loans provided, eliminates these hurdles. Once a merchant has processed payments with Mollie for 90 days, they can apply for funding in just five minutes. Decisions and transfers occur within 24 hours, empowering businesses to capitalize on opportunities swiftly. 

Key benefits for UK SMEs: 

  • Fast and Easy Application: Eliminate paperwork and lengthy processes with a five-minute online application. 
  • Rapid Funding: Receive decisions and funds within 24 hours, enabling quick action. 
  • Flexible Repayment: Repay with a fixed one-time fee and a percentage of daily sales, aligning with cash flow. 
  • Growth Enabler: Access up to £250,000 to invest in inventory, marketing, or other growth initiatives. 

Mia Hunter, Managing Director of Mollie UK, states: “Mollie Capital addresses the financial bureaucracy faced by UK SMEs. Traditional lenders often neglect their needs for simplicity and flexibility. We fill this gap by offering a streamlined solution that fuels sustainable growth.” 

Mollie Capital’s launch marks the first of many planned financial services by Mollie, aiming to empower UK SMEs with seamless financial solutions. This commitment aligns with their wider mission of simplifying and supporting e-commerce businesses.