Elevating Inclusive Fintech – Pat Patel

Elevandi Executive Director and Head, Pat Patel discusses with Babu Nair, Founder & MD of Financial Technology Frontiers, about organizing discussion forums and creating larger ones for people to associate, engage, enroll, and transact with each other. He sheds light on the Inclusive Fintech Forum to be held in Rawanda along with explaining the four key pillars of digital public good sales: digital identity layer, payment system, technology, and social exchange. Various Presidents and Governors would be gracing the Inclusive Fintech Forum in Africa, making it the most impactful activity this year. Fintech in Africa is expected to reach 30 million in the next few years, with infrastructure and open banking playing an important role. This is a noble road map for the entire financial sector to come together.

Keep watching for more insights!

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