Xceptor Data Automation Platform Now Available on Microsoft Azure Marketplace

Xceptor, a leading provider of data automation solutions for financial markets, today announced the availability of its Xceptor Data Automation Platform on the Microsoft Azure Marketplace. This online store provides applications and services specifically designed for use on the Azure cloud platform. 

Financial institutions using Xceptor can now leverage the benefits of the trusted and productive Azure cloud platform, experiencing streamlined deployment and management of their data automation needs. 

Flexibility and Customization Tailored for Financial Clients 

Xceptor’s commitment to flexibility and customization allows clients and prospects to choose from pre-packaged solutions or collaborate with Xceptor to create tailored options. The Xceptor team then seamlessly integrates the chosen solution for optimal functionality. 

Swift Onboarding and Rapid ROI 

Following integration, Xceptor’s efficient onboarding process ensures a quick return on investment (ROI) for clients. This process streamlines the ingestion, standardization, normalization, and validation of data, making it trusted and ready for critical workflows. 

Enhanced Accessibility and Faster Benefits Realization 

“Our collaboration with Microsoft to offer the Xceptor platform on the Azure Marketplace brings us closer to existing clients and organizations seeking convenient and accessible tools for complex data management and automation,” said Dan Reid, Chief Technology Officer at Xceptor. “This simplifies the purchasing process, expedites onboarding, and allows clients to focus on core business activities while realizing benefits faster.” 

Expanding the Azure Marketplace Ecosystem 

“The Microsoft Azure Marketplace empowers customers worldwide to easily find, purchase, and deploy trusted partner solutions,” said Jake Zborowski, General Manager, Microsoft Azure Platform at Microsoft Corp. “We’re thrilled to welcome the Xceptor platform to the growing Azure Marketplace ecosystem, providing valuable data automation solutions for financial institutions.”