Women In Financial & Fintech Industry- The Next Steps: Elevate + Enterprise

Join us for an insightful and dynamic session where the extraordinary women leaders from Toronto discuss actionable solutions to the challenges faced by women in the Financial Services Industry (FSI). This second edition, WIFFI: The Next Steps, in partnership with Open Text, dives deep into leadership development, workforce empowerment, and leveraging ecosystems for enhanced inclusion.

Moderator: Rebecca Spour, Working Group Coordinator – DEFI, Cyber Security Global Alliance

Key Speakers:
– Ruchi Bharadwaj: Principal Product Manager, Open Text
– Kate Tomen: VP, BDO, Angel Investors Ontario
– Priya Pathiyar: Information Governance Officer, Nuclear Waste Management Organization.

In this powerful dialogue, Discover insights into the Elevate & Enterprise cohort, explore innovative mentorship programs, and learn how to leverage existing ecosystems to create unparalleled opportunities for women in fintech.

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Keep watching for more insights!

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