J.P. Morgan & PopID Launch Biometric Payments in U.S.


J.P. Morgan Payments has announced an enhanced collaboration with PopID to launch in-store biometric payments to pilot merchants across the United States. This pay-by-face biometric payment solution offers a seamless transaction experience, eliminating the need for customers to use their phones or credit cards. By leveraging biometric loyalty program check-in and payment, both merchants and customers benefit from faster ordering and checkout processes. 

Efficiency and Increased Sales 

PopID’s research highlights the effectiveness of the platform, showing a reduction in ordering and checkout times by up to 90 seconds per transaction and a 4% increase in ticket size. Jean-Marc Thienpont, Managing Director of Omnichannel & Biometric Solutions at J.P. Morgan Payments, emphasized the significance of this advancement: “This is a giant step forward in helping our clients reimagine the entire retail experience for their customers and bringing best-in-class biometric payments solutions to the market. We offer something that is hard to match – the stability, scale, and trust of a world-class bank combined with the technology and agility of a fintech.” 

Client Benefits and Success Stories 

The collaboration is already showing promising results with clients like Whataburger, which plans to expand its biometric payments integration. Jerry Phillips, VP of Technology at Whataburger, expressed enthusiasm for the innovation: “We are excited to continue to embrace biometric payments to help us revolutionize the way our customers purchase their favorite food reliably and securely. At Whataburger, we believe in innovation, and this marks a significant step forward in enhancing our overall dining experience. This new offering allows us to provide a faster, safer, and seamless checkout process for our valued guests, backed by the stability of an established financial institution.” 

Impact on Customer Experience 

Whataburger has already observed faster checkout times and enhanced loyalty engagement. Customers can register for biometric loyalty and payment through the Whataburger mobile app, simplifying the check-in and payment process with a biometric scan. 

How It Works 

The J.P. Morgan Payments biometric checkout solution, powered by PopID, uses advanced facial identification technology for secure customer identification and payment authentication. During enrollment, a customer’s photo is converted into an encrypted template stored securely in the PopID cloud. When a purchase is made, the transaction template is matched against the stored template to authenticate the payment. This merchant-agnostic solution allows customers to use their facial biometrics at any participating pilot merchant once enrolled. The solution is consent-driven, allowing customers to opt in and out at their discretion. 

Future Prospects 

John Miller, CEO of PopID, shared his excitement about the continued partnership: “We are thrilled to continue working with J.P. Morgan Payments to deliver enhanced biometric check-in and payment solutions to merchants. We’ve seen a remarkable increase in speed and a rise in customer loyalty when biometric technology is available. Allowing people the freedom to authenticate loyalty and pay how they want, while leveling up security, is critical to today’s consumer.” 

This expanded partnership between J.P. Morgan Payments and PopID marks a significant leap towards modernizing the retail experience, enhancing efficiency, security, and customer satisfaction.